Relationship Advice For Men: 62 Tips From 62 Experts
Guys are often left shaking their heads in pure bewilderment when it comes to different aspects of their relationship. Their wives, girlfriends, or partners of some sort or another, just seem to constantly throw curveball after curveball at them, and their left wondering what to do.
Without giving up on their loved ones, they fight back; but this often leads to more stress and even more relationship imbalance.
You see men aren’t schooled in this department of life. We spend years going to grammar school and learning about math, science, history, and multitudes of other important topics, but we never really learn the most important one of all, relationships. Whether it’s the wooing stage, as in dating and attracting women, or the later stage, as in building incredible connections and experiences together, nobody ever really teaches us the intricacies of a healthy relationship.
Look, we weren’t taught how to build and cultivate happy and healthy relationships in school, but it’s certainly not too late to learn how to develop these skills now! The aforementioned tips are just what you need. They consist of the very best relationship, dating, and lifestyle experts in the world; all of whom possess incredibly esteemed backgrounds and track records of proven success.
If you’ve ever wanted to learn the foundations for creating fulfilled relationships, check out these 62 tips from these 62 amazing experts!
Of the 62 experts there were 13 males, 47 females and 2 couples. Most were dating coaches from the USA and had several years’ experience.
Most of the advice was for couples already in a relationship – communication, listen to your partner, include your partner, put her first, be yourself, be fun, keep the magic alive, and pay her attention.
For those without a partner and looking for dates the advice was mainly know what you want, go to places where you have the advantage, use dates to match values, know your motive for dating – long term or one night stand, be honest, both with yourself and her, learn to approach women, phone for dates rather than text, be a man – this is a big one, don’t spend a fortune on first dates and use dating sites as a last resort.
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The original article was written by Justin Stenstrom and published on Elite Man Magazine – to see the original article click here